Who is pookey tiger?

Our Ministry

Pookey Tiger was created in 2003 when Stephanie saw a need to provide an alternative to existing media.

Stephanie became an Aunt in 2003, and again in 2006. She was devoted to the children in her family, but was concerned about existing media – Movies, TV Shows and Music – and the effect it has on not only the children in her family, but children throughout the world. Stephanie was also concerned about the lack of Christian messaging intended for our youngest children. She set out to find a way to bring alternative, Christian entertainment and Christian Messaging to our youngest children – and Pookey Tiger was born!

The Beginning or Pookey Tiger's Music

Stephanie leveraged her creativity and her musical background to develop a loveable character we now know as Pookey Tiger.

Stephanie composed an entire album of songs with Christian messages intended to introduce young children to bible stories, build character, and instill a strong moral foundation. Children everywhere delight in the simple fun and catchy tunes sung by Pookey Tiger. You can download a copy of this wonderful CD for your children on the Pookey Tiger Website.

Our Goals

Through her Album, her Blog and her public appearances, Stephanie and Pookey Tiger will spread a message Christian values and the love of Jesus Christ to our children and to the world!